Welcome to the

Agentur für Außenwirtschaftsanalysen GmbH

In a globalized world, opportunities and risks are close together. Our aim is to provide the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the dynamic markets of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. We analyse relevant (security) political and economic developments and their potential for crisis. We are your reliable partner for your success abroad.

The Afawa DNA

Identification and evaluation of local trends

A high-quality network of independent, local experts.

Over two decades of expertise in the complex markets of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Discretion towards our business partners.

Your specialist for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

As a modern company, we pay special attention to transnational and global networks – both in terms of the flow of goods and services as well as to the correlation of political developments.

Overview of services

» Stability and risk analysis

» Foreign market entry strategies

» Monitoring

Are you ready to take advantage of the lucrative opportunities in Eastern Europe/Central Asia?

Contact us for a non-binding consultation. Together we will develop a strategy that will lead your company to success in the Eastern European and Central Asian markets.

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